Protection Plans

  • Relatively low in cost, Protection plans work independently of a health plan or other medical plans and the cash benefit is paid directly to you, allowing you to choose how to spend the money, such as housing, groceries, or transportation.

  • Protection plans help cover costs in times of need.

Get Peace of Mind with Protection Plans

No one plans to get sick or have an accident. Still, it’s smart to think ahead and be prepared — just in case. That's where Protection plans can help. It’s a cost-effective way to manage unexpected out-of-pocket costs or expenses from a significant medical event. You can enroll in these plans anytime during the year.


Critical Illness Insurance

Provides additional coverage for such medical emergencies as heart attacks, strokes, or cancer. 

Hospital Indemnity Insurance

Supplements existing health insurance to pay for the costs associated with a hospital admission that may not be covered by other insurance.


Accident Insurance

Pays cash benefits to you for injuries resulting from a covered accident.


With Protection plans, cash benefits are paid directly to you, regardless of your plan deductible or coinsurance amounts.


Short-Term Plans

Bridges gaps of several months for individuals who need temporary medical insurance. If you're eligible for Medicare within a year and in good health, a short-term medical plan may be a cost-saving option worth looking into.

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